Voilà ce qui a été reçu le 17/07/2008 de la part de Oldiesman, l'un des gérant du projet officiel smf:
To whom it may concern:
It has come to our attention that you are running a copy of SMF with a
modified copyright notice. This is a violation of the license that is
included with every copy of SMF, and is therefore illegal. As stated in
the license:
1. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify and/or distribute
this Package, provided that:
a. All copyright notices within source files and as generated by the
Software as output are retained, unchanged.
2. You may make Modifications to this Package or a derivative of it, and
distribute your Modifications in a form that is separate from the
Package, such as patches. The following restrictions apply to Modifications:
a. A Modification must not alter or remove any copyright notices in
the Software or Package, generated or otherwise.
As per section 5 of the license, the license has already expired, and
you must now either undo your changes so that the original copyright
notice is displayed, or remove all copies of SMF from your server within
48 hours. Failure to comply with this warning will result in us
contacting your host and/or other providers, and may require us to
involve our lawyer.
A full copy of the license can be viewed at
Michael "Oldiesmann" Eshom
Project Manager
Simple Machines
En résumé, il est indiqué que nous utilisons une version de smf avec un copyright modifié et que c'est illégal, nous devons donc supprimer notre version de smf sous 48h.